Scientists are crazy!!! People say that scientists are very secluded and elusive. In fact, it is a matter of sheer focus and not diffused thoughts that high-quality scientists strive for. Concretised thoughts materialize into some great findings, and hence, it becomes extremely important for "this class of people", in other words, true scientists to stay secluded/elusive.
Scientists live for inner joy or rather in search of inner joy for finding the unknown. Hence, the best way to excel as a true scientist is to:
Scientists live for inner joy or rather in search of inner joy for finding the unknown. Hence, the best way to excel as a true scientist is to:
Delete the
people who steal your joy
you can be with the people who steal your joy and do not buy your dreams or lead a world-class life in science-YOU
In society, there are people who
are there to steal our joy because they do not believe in your dreams and are
too scared. It is up to us to stay attached to such people (howsoever close
they are to us by blood relation or even in marriage) or to detach from them,
see them less often and do not let them diminish your power. Do not let others take away your power to be innovative and to do good science.
This is how we can make a list
and control our behavior towards them to protect us from such energy vampires.
Sr No
People who are elevating my joy
People who diminish my joy
with others is a thief of joy. It is always good for a scientist to remind herself/himself that, one cannot compare apples with oranges.
Hence, do not allow anybody to compare you with someone else.
your dreams.
not bother to follow the crowd. People might call you freak, weird.
far you have traveled in terms of your learning, good health, loving and
trustworthy relationships with your peers in science, inner growth, and spirituality are the most important.
Finally, the EGO is the voice of
your fear. Never, fear to explore the unknown and have an open mind and heart for continued learning.